Mighty Yee Stomping Grapes

This former marketing executive of a now defunct Fortune 100 financial services company traded dry cleaned clothing & boring meetings for wine stained clothing & wine tastings.

Yes, the mortgage meltdown gave me the kick in the pants I needed to pursue my love of wine. I left the sunshine of Los Angeles and worked at a custom crush winery in San Francisco, where I dramatically improved my wine consumption skills, and learned a thing or two about making it from some incredibly talented winemaking mentors.

I may be petite in stature, but I’m Mighty in everything I attempt. I love the physical aspect of winemaking, the long days of harvest, the amazing bicep workout from doing punchdowns, and finishing the day with a cold beer (yes, beer).

When I’m not busy making Mighty Yee Wines, you’ll find me galavanting around the globe, looking through the lens of my camera, boxing or kicking a strike bag or wakesurfing at Lake Nacimiento in Paso Robles

Heartfelt thanks to family & friends who continually support my passion for wine and travel, and who always encourage me to live life to the fullest.

Savor Mighty Yee Wines with those who genuinely believe in your dreams.

Cheers – Linda Yee

Mighty Yee PunchdownMighty Yee CleaningMighty Yee in Vineyard